Belly Dance by Serena Studios

As an expression of feminine power, the Serena Studios specializes in preserving and teaching the art of belly dancing. Renowned Serena, as well as other instructors, teach on a daily basis from the beginning to advanced levels. Special folkloric seminars and workshops in veil, Zils Technique, Egyptian choreography, Cifte-Telli and Taksim can also be taken at the studio during certain parts of the year.


Address & Phone:

Serena Studios
939 8th Ave. (btw. 55th St. & 56th St.)
New York City, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 247-1051
Fax: (212) 399-1164

Schedule and Pricing:

Please see for current schedules and pricing. From their website:

All new students, regardless of dance background, must start at the Basic Beginner level since the essentials of the Serena Technique are taught here.

Since the classes are ongoing, you can start any time without prior notice. You can take as many or as few classes as you like. You then advance at your own rate with the teacher's approval.

No special attire is required. you may wear anything that is comfortable to move and stretch in. Footwise, a light slipper or bare feet are a must since rubber soled shoes cling to the floor, and stocking-feet are slippery and not allowed on the wooden dance floor. A dressing area is available.